Demo Videos of Elbsound Products on Youtube

Video: How to easily spot the differences before and after PL

Other videos:
1. Perfect Layout: Three real-time demos of the Perfect Layout plug-in in action
2. Perfect Layout: Piano Notation and MusicXML Import
3. Perfect Layout: Automatic Score Layout (System Layout Optimization)
4. Perfect Layout: System Optimization by Only Adjusting the Colliding Staves and Preserving Most of the Layout
5. Perfect Layout: Automatic Parts Layout
6. Perfect Layout: Automatic Hairpin and Expression Alignment
7. Perfect Layout: Exponential and Niente Hairpins
8. Perfect Layout: Tutorial - Aligning Multiple Expressions with Perfect Layout
9. Perfect Layout: Inserting a large text block (e.g. for a speaker) into a full score
10. Perfect Layout: Multi-Percussion Staff Optimization
11. Perfect Layout: Consistent Measure Number Placement on Barlines
12. Perfect Layout: Tuplet Optimizations (Finale files for download on the Example page)
13. Perfect Layout: Automatic Flattening Brackets of Tuplets That Start or End With Rests (v1.15)
14. Perfect Layout on Parts
15. Perfect Layout: Automatic Justification of sub. and più Dynamics (v1.15)
16. Perfect Layout: Cue Notes and Cue Texts Automation (Finale files for download on the Example page)
17. Perfect Layout: Automatic Lyrics Alignment
18. Perfect Layout: Avoiding Glissando Collisions
19. Perfect Layout: Multi-Language Support (US,DE,FR,IT,PL,ES,JP)
20. Perfect Layout: Automatic Installation of Perfect Layout on Windows
21. Perfect Layout: Automatic Installation of Perfect Layout on macOS
22. Automatic Update Installation in v2.4 (Windows and macOS)
23. Perfect Layout: MacOS Preview
24. How to easily spot the differences in the score before and after Perfect Layout

25. Realbook Look Plug-in
26. Creating a Vintage Score Look
27. House Style Plug-in: Swapping Music Fonts in Finale with One Click
28. Harp Glissando Plug-in
29. Multi Percussion Staff Plug-in
30. Chord Style Plug-in