Overview: Perfect Layout, v2.0, macOS/Windows
Perfect Layout v2.0 includes
more than 490 improvements, new features and fixes compared to the last v1.x Windows release (v1.7104) and more than 730 improvements since v1.0.
Customers who bought the full version of Perfect Layout v1.x after the
27th of March 2020 are eligible for a
free update.
For all other users the update is available through our
online shop.
read our FAQ on how to install the update, especially on Windows.
Select video:
List of new features, improvements and fixes in v2.0
New features:
-Massive boost of processing speed on the metrics calculation in huge scores: ca. 1,5-2x faster on Windows, ca. 3-6x faster on MacOS (but still MacOS is slower than Windows).
-New option "General->Select Language".
-Serpent segnos don't collide with notes anymore (Measure: "Space Before" or "Space After" are increased on collisions)
-With the next update "Preview Images" will be added to many dialog options. By clicking the little button left to the option the browser will show a preview image: usually with the left side of the image being the deactivated option, and the right activated. This update includes images for the "Tuplets" tab.
-8 new options have been added to the Tuplets tab. Apart from the new preview images the default setting of Perfect Layaout on numerous tuplets is demonstrated in two images in the Tuplets section (https://elbsound.studio/perfect-layout/tuplets.php#go-to-tuplets1):
6 new sub-options affect the "Put Tuplet Brackets on Ambiguous Tuplet" option:
1.) Also Add Brackets if Tuplet is Separated Through Secondary Beam Breaks or Different Number of Beams
2.) Also Add Brackets on Symmetric Tuplets with Sec. Beam Breaks Where the Number of Notes Equals the Tuplet Number
3.) Also if Multiple Simple Identical Tuplets are Beamed Together
4.) On 8th Notes Before/After Beamed Triplets only if Distance to First Tuplet Note is Less Than
5.) On 8th Notes Before/After Other Beamed Tuplets only if Distance to First Tuplet Note is Less Than
6.) Also Add Secondary Beam Breaks Before/After Beamed Tuplets (Gold version only, activated by default in the Silver version)
7.) In the Gold version the tuplet option "End Stem-Side Tuplet Brackets on Downstemmed Beamed Notes on the Stem" controls the right horizontal end point of tuplet brackets on downstemmed beamed notes. Some users prefer it to align with the stem instead of the right edge of the notehead.
8.) In the Gold version the duplet option from the Tuplets tab was splitted into two options:
"Remove Tuplet Symbols From Duplets" and "Simplify 'Half' Duplets" (see images on https://elbsound.studio/perfect-layout/tuplets.php#go-to-tuplets1 for details)
-New option: "Alignment->Shift Rehearsal Letters Up on Tempo Expression Collisions From Previous Measure" (deactivated by default). If a very wide tempo alterations starts on beat 3 and overlaps with the rehearsal letter in the next measure, there is no "best solution" that is always valid. In many cases it might look better to broaden the measure to avoid the overlap. In some cases it might look to better to move the rehearsal letter up.
-Wide (technique) text expressions on the same measure position as dynamics will be shifted to the right of the dynamics, even if this might look a bit unclear with the following note, when the description text of the expression includes ALLOWSHIFTRIGHT (for details see example image and description here: https://elbsound.studio/perfect-layout/how-to-use-the-perfect-layout-plugin.php#go-to-quickstart21 )
-New option on the Systems tab: "On Last Page Don't Spread to Page Bottom If Very Much Space". This will deactivate the spreading of the systems to the page bottom, if there are only few very systems on the last page and there is still lots of free space. The plug-in then tries to get a similar vertical spacing as on the previous pages.
-New Option "On Hairpins Below Staff Over Lyrics ..." added. You can either keep the current placement of hairpins on lyrics staves, move them below the notes (slurs + ties) or move them below the lyrics.
-Collision of dynamics with large time signatures from other staves are detected and corrected
-Added user-defined language support
-Added German user interface (with manual translation), not all warning messages and log-texts are translated yet, but most of the common messages.
-Added French user interface (with automated translation, not verified yet!), no translatation of the parameter-dependent warning messages yet.
While the German language support is already hard-coded into the plug-in, there are two user-defined font files (UserLanguage1.txt and UserLanguage2.txt) which can be edited by the user. They are automatically installed in the Elbsound program folder (Windows typically: c:\program files (x86)\Elbsound.studio\Perfect Layout, MacOS typically: /library/application support/Elbsound.studio/Perfect Layout).
When editing these language files, make sure to not add additional line breaks into the file. Otherwise the lines may not be assigned correctly.
-Silver: The option "Tuplets->Put Tuplet Brackets On Notes Far Above the Staff on Top (And Vice Versa)" can now be deactivated in Silver. In Gold this was already possible in previous versions.
-Support for "Start Numbering At" values in multi-measures rests above 2.
-A new preset "Deactivate All" which can be loaded by clicking "Load" was added.
Note: This doesn't deactivate all features of Perfect Layout, but only those features that can be deactivated through the user dialog. Especially in the Silver version not everything can be controlled through this. Even in the Gold version some "main" functionality (dynamics/hairpin placement and multi-articulation collisions) can currently not be switched of as it is not part of the user dialog functionality. Still this gives a much faster way to apply the plug-in more selectively.
-On 1-line percussion staves cue key signatures from cue notes that are on a 5-line staff are also hidden in the score.
-Overlapping technique texts on different measure positions are now taken into account for collision detection if one is much wider than the other one. The smaller expression is put closer to the staff.
-Beta support for new user dialog languages: Japanese, Italian, Spanish, Polish
-Detection of text expressions connected with smartshape lines with hooks. It's still recommended though to use custom smart lines with text (e.g. cresc.- - - - - or rit. - - - - - - - - -) which are more clear to understand for the plug-in than separate expression/smartshape combinations.
-The window title now displays the last loaded file name, the loading of the factory settings and the unsaved state.
-Non-standard user-defined custom smart lines (e.g. for contemporary notation) can be included in "above the staff collision detection with notes" by adding a hidden text into one of the 5 text fields in the custom smart line definition. Just add "putontop" with the hidden text style. More info see: https://elbsound.studio/perfect-layout/slurs-ties.php#go-to-slurties4
-The measurement unit can be changed in the user dialog.
-On measures with independent time signatures 'Open tie' removal is now supported.
-If ADDEXTRASPACE is added to the description field of a non-tempo/non-rehearsal expression or to the category name of an expression, then extra space is added to the measure that holds this expression (on beat 1 only!) if it has a horizontal collision (as in tempo/rehearsal marks). Note: If reflow is set to "Only within systems", this feature will probably not work as there is usually not enough space on a system for widening the measures so much. As with tempo/rehearsal marks this feature works best if the reflow settings are set to "Reflow measure across systems" and "Reflow systems across pages".
If the expression is not on beat 1, no extra space will be added.
-Basic collision removal on text expressions with key signatures (no cancel outgoing signatures supported yet)
-Collisions of end of measure clef changes with cross staff notes are now also detected
-Comma/Breath Mark/Caesura articulations that collide with barlines between grouped staves are detected and the comma is moved slightly before the barline
-"Chinese Unicode Safety Mode" added (in the General tab). If the plug-in crashes, because it detects the forbidden U-3000 unicode symbol (this seems to be a JW Lua bug), then you should activate this mode. The side effect is that all text elements from the "File Info" in the "Score manager" are not expanded anymore in text blocks. Usually this should be no problem.
-Four new options (Silver: three new options) added for advanced rest splitting/merging in compound time
"Allow Dotted Rests On Beats In Compound Meters"
"Allow Combined Rests At Beginning Of Beat In Compound Meters If Preceded By Rests"
"Allow Combined Rests At Beginning Of Beat In Compound Meters If NOT Preceded By Rests"
"Keep Combined Rests At Offbeat In Compound Meters Unless Followed by Rests"
-New option: "Restart Repeat Staff Style Measure Counting On Double Barlines". Activated by default.
-New option added: "Keep 'Always Flat' Tuplet Brackets Flat". Even if "Optimize Tuplet Settings" is activated and the default tuplet settings are copied to each tuplet the "Always Flat" value will not be overwritten, if it was set to 'Always Flat' for an individual tuplet bracket. (Activated by default)
-New option "Delete Reh./Tempo Expressions in Misc. Category From Staves Not Included On Staff List" (activated by default). In previous versions this feature used to be included too, but it could not be deactivated. Now it can be switched off. This feature is mainly important for old or imported Finale files where tempo marks often appear in the Miscellaneous category instead of the Tempo/Rehearsal categories. These expressions should usually be only visible on the staves from the tempo marks staff list and not on every staff.
-New option "Exclude Ambiguous Time Signatures From Rest Optimization" (deactivated by default). In time signatures like 5/4, 7/4 it is sometimes difficult to predict the correct sub beats. To keep the rests in these measure as they are, but still to have rest optimization in the standard signatures (4/4, 3/4, etc.), activate this option.
-New option "Vertical Threshold for Outlier Expressions not to be Placed on the Best Line". This value is now adjustable. The default value (which was also a fixed value in previous versions) is 66 EVPU. The larger the value the further the tempo/rehearsal mark expressions will align vertically above the staff if the expressions are far apart. If the expressions are vertically further apart than the threshold value, they will not align vertically.
-New options "Re-Tie Notes Over Center Of Bar" and "Re-Tie Notes Only If First Note Starts After Beat 1" (in the Ties tab, both activated by default). These features makes sure that a tie over the center of a bar should indicate the beats. Thus a dotted half-note plus an eighth note in a 4/4 signature would become a half note plus a dotted quarter note by default. The "Re-Tie Notes Over Center Of Bar" feature was already included in previous versions, but is now available as a selectable option in the user dialog.
-New option "MMRests->Maintain System Locks on Empty Measure for MM Rest Creation":
the automatic multi-measure rest creation stops and breaks a new multi-measure rest if the locked system ends with several empty measures, even if these empty measure continue on the next system. This feature is helpful, if you haven't generated multi-measure rests in parts yet, but already have layouted measures per system in the parts (e.g. in musical theatre scores with often 4-bars per line or 4-bar multi-measure rests).
Note: this option is not active when "MM Rests->Automatic Measure Reflow If the Number of MM Rests Has Significantly Changed" is activated.
-New option "Counting->Include Brackets". By default this was activated in the last versions. Now you can deactivate and get a simple 4 expression instead of a (4) when counting repeat/slash measures.
-New option "Systems->Change System Distance Only": Keep the vertical staff distances and only changes the vertical distance between the systems to align with page margins.
New options that are only adjustable in the Gold version. In the Silver version the default setting of the Gold version is used.
-New option: "Hide Counting in First Measure" (deactivated by default and in Silver). If activated it will skip the (1) on the first repeat symbol measure and will start to display repeat counting on repeat measure 2.
-It's now possible to have "Optimize Tuplet Settings" activated, but to change the default setting "Don't Avoid Staff". By default (and in the Silver edition) it always changes to "Avoid Staff" if "Optimize Tuplet Settings" is activated.
-New option "General->Bypass All Missing Font Warning Dialogs" (deactivated by default and in Silver edition).
-New option "Also Update Bracket Appearance If 'Always Use Specified Shape' Is Selected" (activated by default and in Silver edition). This was the default behaviour in previous version. If this option is deactivated now, the original bracket style will be maintained on tuplets with the "Always Use Specified Shape" option.
-New option "MMRests->Maintain System Breaks on Empty Measure for MM Rest Creation" (Gold version only, deactivated by default). Same as before, but this time MM Rests will also end on system breaks that are not locked.
-New option "Counting->Set Repeat Staff Style Measure Width to ..." (Gold version only, deactivated by default). It forces the width of one/two bar repeat staff style measures to a fixed measure width value. In the deactivated default state, the more flexible and powerful function that was already available in previous versions of Perfect Layout works: it only reduces the width of repeat style measures on very dense systems that require more space for the notes.
-On cross staff tuplets without brackets the Gold version now has an option to add extra brackets (deactivated by default).
New features (MacOS only):
-New option "General->Show progress bar on screen number X" to change the screen on which the progress bar will appear in multi-screen setups.
-A "Deactivation" button has been added to the "General" tab.
-MacOS: Support for fonts from .dfont files that are not Windows-compatible (i.e. without an OS/2 table).
MacOS specific changes from 1.7106 to 2.0056:
-The MacOS installer was changed from "bundle" to a "flat" type installer.
-MacOS: The "New update available" dialog now automatically opens the update download page from elbsound.studio.
-Tested on MacOS Sierra
-Tested on MacOS High Sierra
-Tested on MacOS Mojave
-Tested on MacOS Catalina (Finale 26)
-Tested on MacOS Big Sur/Intel (Finale 26)
-The MacOS installer is now digitally signed.
-MacOS installer now allows to change the Finale plug-in menu name
-MacOS installer is now compatible with multi-user accounts on that computer, but for security reasons the plug-in needs to be added to Finale's plug-in menu manually on other user accounts. See https://elbsound.studio/perfect-layout/faq.php#go-to-installation23
-MacOS: User dialog improved on the 'Systems' tab
-Improved MacOS installer stability (many things were done including better file mode handling and simplified user dialog).
-MacOS: The .log file didn't show up automatically at the end of the processing.
-MacOS: in certain two screen setups on MacOS it was possible that the first user dialog was invisible. This is fixed now. As this seems to be a JW Lua bug, it is recommended in the Gold version to not disable the warning dialogs in General->Bypass All Warning Dialogs if you have this invisible dialog issue. As the Silver version doesn't have that option it is not affected.
-MacOS: In rare cases a font error message could occur when using mixed music/text fonts (like Broadway Copyist Text) with a "Bold Italic" style in expressions.
-MacOS: The automatic update detection didn't open the URL to download the update when clicking on 'Yes'. Fixed now.
-MacOS: Improved installer dialog on high resolution screens
-MacOS: Some user dialog corrections
-MacOS: Font suitcases without a .suit file extension (i.e. with no extension) are now supported (e.g. Finale Percussion and Finale Mallets in Catalina)
-MacOS: Installer error fixed ("Missing files")
-MacOS: Node.js updated to v12.18.2. Otherwise MacOS doesn't allow the digital signature of the software.
-MacOS: No more problems with the plug-in progress bar if Finale is started on a second monitor
-MacOS: The tabs on the main user dialog also used to react sometimes when clicking far below the tab name
-MacOS: Improved progress bar placement
-MacOS: some old music fonts (e.g. Vivace) were listed on MacOS with a "Medium" extension (i.e. Vivace Medium) and thus not correctly recognised by the plug-in. Fixed now.
-MacOS: The test and demo files in the folder /library/application support/Elbsound.studio/Perfect Layout/Docs and Test Files/ are now writeable.
-Finale 26/MacOS sometimes had problems showing the progress bar. Fixed now.
-Finale 26/MacOS: The time out error message in the progress bar is now hidden
-Finale 26/MacOS improved performance of the progress bar on multi-screen setups.
-On MacOS the progress bar is now also visible on the very first run of the plug-in (on Windows it isn't)
-The update download on Safari/MacOS (on https://elbsound.studio/getdownload.php) is not be blocked anymore by the window pop-up blocker.
-MacOS: Progress bar now displays correctly on multi-monitor setups with negative window coordinates
-Improved dialog for plug-in activation on MacOS
-No more crashes when invalid .suit font file format was detected (MacOS)
-'zsh' problem on MacOS/Catalina solved
-MacOS: Progress bar now also starts immediately at the very first run of the plug-in (that is different on the Windows version where it only starts immediately on the second run)
-MacOS: the "How to use Perfect Layout" online document is opened at the end of the installation.
-MacOS: in Fin25/Fin26 the font annotation and plug-in folders are now correctly read
-MacOS: Only the progress bar 'Terminal' window is brought to the foreground (not other Terminal windows)
-MacOS: Improved support for more .dfont type fonts. All .f2n files from .dfont fonts will be re-created with this update. If you still have problems with old dfonts, please let us know or convert these fonts to true type (.ttf) fonts which the plug-in can handle fine.
-No more zsh warning on MacOS/Catalina
-Corrected folder detection on MacOS
-MacOS/Silver400: "Standard Output File Is Closed" error fixed.
-The MacOS installer can now automatically close open Finale Windows before the installation.
-On MacOS the MacSymbolFonts.txt wasn't read correctly. Fixed now.
-Updated necessary MacSymbolFonts.txt assignments. Some fonts for MacOS require to be added to MacSymbolFonts.txt.
-On MacOS expressions with text over multiple lines are now corrctly placed.
-Added more music fonts to the list of known music fonts
-In very rare cases improved horizontal hairpin alignment with dynamic expressions when running the plug-in directly on a part, and the end of the hairpin and the dynamic expression are both on the last measure position and the (short) hairpin also starts slightly before the dynamic expression.
-Improved hairpin width if November2 font is used and the exponentational cresc. symbol from November2 is used (2,5 EVPUs).
-The hairpin width is now ALWAYS automatically updated if exponentational cresc./dim. symbols are used and "Optimize Hairpin Settings" is activated.
-Improved "Open Tie" detection on cue notes
-Improved clef hiding on cue notes
-Rehearsal mark letters above the top staff AND below the bottom staff are now kept like this (and not forced above staff anymore)
-Improved 2nd voice detection for articulation placement on the opposite side
-Improved vertical placement of two technique text expression where there is a third technique expression on the same measure position with a "hidden only" text style
-Improved hairpin start/ending if the hairpin starts/ends on a note that also has a duplicate hidden note on the same measure position (e.g. for playback reasons).
-Improved vertical alignment of multiple rehearsal mark letters on one system if the whole system only has empty measures and multiple key signature changes
-Improved placement of rehearsal marks on beat 1 if the previous measure ends with a very high note and the current measure only has notes slighty above the staff.
-Slightly improved connection of exponential hairpin expressions with hairpins
-Exponential hairpins expressions (symbols 254/255) are now also supported from the VintageGHMA and VintageECP1 font
-Time signatures above the staff (not large time signatures) are slightly better included in vertical staff spacing.
-A few optimizations for the Polish and Japanese user dialogs
-License key activation after eligibility checking automated. Users of discount editions and upgrades will receive their license key faster.
-"Three staff"-piano groups are now detected correctly as piano groups, if they share different different MIDI channels, but two staves were created as 2 staff piano group and the third one added later and all three staves are grouped with a piano bracket.
-Some updates to the Japanese and Polish translation
-On German OS the German language is now selected by default.
-More preview images
-Improved "On Last Page Don't Spread to Page Bottom If Very Much Space" algorithm
-A few improvements to the user dialog
-Improved detection of rehearsal mark expressions in wrong expression categories
-Windows: Support for unicode texts in pop-up elements in the user dialog. Required for Japanese and Polish language support. On macOS this was already working.
-Improved error message for the -1756 error on Windows 7: please read our FAQ on solving this error message.
-Some improved user dialog texts
-Some updates to the online documentation
-More preview images added
-In rare cases improved vertical staff spacing on some cross-staff scenarios that were entered in the top staff with the beam visible upon the bottom staff (and vice versa)
-Technique expressions over shape articulations are not placed vertically close to the note anymore (and possibly overlapping with the shape articulation), but kept on their vertical position.
-Improved detection of clef changes in measure 1
-Improved collision handling on hairpins with horizontal tuplet brackets/tuplet number collisions (i.e. if the tuplet is at the very ending of the hairpin)
-Improved handling of text repeat staff lists in case of top staves that hide text repeats
-Improved handling/alignment of serpent segno expressions
-Improved handling of dynamics with technique/expressive text expression collisions
-Improved vertical alignment of multiple outlier rehearsal/tempo mark expressions with different negative values below the baseline
-Improved duplet handling
-Some improved user dialog texts
-Improved adding of secondary beam breaks beamed tuplet notes (more cases are now detected)
-Improved detection of tuplets where tuplet brackets must be visible (for better readability)
-MacOS: Warning message added if the previous edition of Perfect Layout wasn't correctly deactivated before installing a new (upgrade) edition.
-Added more fonts to the listed of known music fonts
-Added one case for improved priority detection for vertical placement of Tempo Alterations and combined Tempo Marks with rehearsal texts.
-Improved metrics calculation of word extension endpoints
-Improved handling of dynamic collisions with barlines
-Improved horizontal placement of dynamics with the word "molto" (e.g. molto f).
-Improved detection of movement name page texts
-Correction of falsy hairpin endpoints that JetStream can create
-One more case added for moving articulations in multi-layer scenarios one the other side of the note.
-Improved two layer note collision handling on wide noteheads as in EngraverFontSet
-Improved horizontal placement of some compound dynamics like "mf cresc."
-Improved vertical placement of mf, sf, pf and rf expressions on multi-layer scenarios under stem down notes (closer to the note)
-"Systems" tab: improved user dialog
-A few changes to the user dialog texts and functionality
-A few updates to the German and French user language
-Improved two activation license installer for combined IPv4/IPv6 networks
-Improved rest optimization for 6/4 and 9/4 time signatures that are internally written as 2 x 1536 EDU / 3 x 1536 EDU
-Cue text expressions are not changed in expression position settings if EXCLUDE is added to the description
-Added a few example images to the online documentation
-The slur contour dialog now displays the slur inset values correctly in percent.
-Improved vertical placement of multiple rehearsal/tempo marks over large time signatures
-Improved horizontal/vertical placement of multiple rehearsal/tempo marks over rehearsal/tempo marks that use the EXCLUDE mark.
-MacOS: a few user dialog improvements
-When clicking on "Load Factory Settings" in some cases the title message of the user dialog didn't show "Factory Settings Loaded"
-The registration page on the webpage now cuts off blank spaces at the beginning and the end in the registration form. They sometimes appear through copy&paste.
-The system spacing option "Optimize System Distances Only and Keep Staff Distances" now takes into account vertical collisions on staves. I.e. if a vertical collision is detected somewhere, then the distance staff at the collision is increased.
-Corrected two typos in warning messages
-The international PDF manuals (Spanish, Italian, German, Polish, French) have been updated (see https://elbsound.studio/perfect-layout/manual.php). Still it is an automated Google translation. Only the German version uses a semi-automatic translation.
-Improved a very low note expression scenario where the previous measure ends with a hairpin
-Many updates to the German, English and French user language
-Windows installer: one error message added
-A few changes to the user dialog texts
-Although Perfect Layout warns that independent time signatures are not supported by the plug-in and can lead to several issues, a few issues have been solved now. But still it is not recommended to use Perfect Layout on scores with independent time signatures.
-All log texts are now included in the German and French translation (except those that trigger the progress bar)
-One more error message added to the Windows installer
-Added more example images to the online documentation
-The contents of the PDF manual now links to the correct page (and not one page before)
-One more case added for automatically flattening tuplet brackets on tuplets starting with rests added.
-Windows: Better installer warning messages for the v2.0 update.
-Short dynamics (f, p) on very low notes on beat 1 are moved before the note, even if they would appear partially under the barline, if there is still lots of space at the end of the previous measure.
-Improved placement of dynamics on very low notes in piano notation, if the bottom staff at the same has a high note and there is enough space before the note.
-Improved finding of average center position for dynamics in piano notation, if one dynamic is a very low note expression
-Fermata expressions in the dynamics category are now ignored and only taken into account for metric calculations for spacing. Semantically they should be in any other expression category like tempo alterations or technique text.
-Improved vertical placement of some accidental articulations (above grupettos)
-Improved placement of dynamics placed at the end of the previous (empty) measure before a lyric note on beat 1 in the next measure
-If the plug-in is NOT applied to the full document, then the measure number positions won't change automatically anymore.
-In rare cases better horizontal alignment of two tempo/rehearsal expressions in one measure, if one expression is attached to the time signature and one to the start of the music and they don't overlap
-Better vertical placement of rehearsal/tempo expressions in some cases of collisions with grace notes
-Improved stacking of rehearsal/tempo texts
-If a repeat pattern starts one bar before a double bar line, then repeat counting expressions will now start after the double bar line with (1) (and not before the double bar line).
-A warning message in the .log file is issued when the pick-up measure duration doesn't match the actual note length and all warning dialogs are bypassed.
-Improved detection of key signature naturals if "Cancel Outgoing Key Signatures" was deactivated in Finale's preferences and the key signature changed to C Major.
-The default value in "Optimize->Optimize Tie Settings" for "Ties->Avoid staff lines by" was changed to 11 EVPUs.
-Mixed (ambiguous) articulations that include an accidental (e.g. for trills) are treated as an accidental articulation and not automatically reset in their positioning
-Added a warning message when using the "Deactivate All" preset.
-Detection of 3-staff organ groups where only the first two staves are connected with a piano bracket
-Improved vertical staff spacing for 3-staff organ groups where only the first two staves are connected with a piano bracket
-Better detection of existing counting range expressions, e.g. (1-5)
-Grammar improvement to the user dialog
-Improved metrics for some custom smart lines after a system break
-Improved multi-measure rests on measures with hidden notes only
-Updates in the slur/ties documentation and dialog.
-In some cases custom smart lines after a system break were not correctly included in vertical staff/system spacing.
-In some cases dynamics with hairpins followed by a rest were vertically aligned with following dynamics although "Alignment->Align Dynamic Expressions Only If Connected By Hairpins" was activated.
-Improved metrics for some notes within groups (especially cross staff)
-Improved placement of reh./tempo texts on measures with rehearsal letters, if "Alignment->Per System (On the Best Fitting Line / Skip Rehearsal Marks)" was selected
-Added two more demo files for testing the tuplet settings to the Docs and Test Files folder
-Gold version: The "Set 'Start Numbering At' to 2 Measures" for multi-measure rests can now be deactivated.
-Lyrics baseline optimization is also performed if the individual vertical offset of a note entry is above 120, but the lyrics baseline is still below the staff.
-Improved detection of staves on which "Laisser Vibrer" ties are not allowed
-If a repeat text is assigned to "Top Staff" only and the staff attributes are set to hide text repeats, it is now included in horizontal alignment.
-Improved user dialogs for expression category changes
-Faster and better detection of slurs on extreme note tuplets
-Improved horizontal spacing possibilites on very wide tempo/reh. expressions over multi-measure if the system has several multi-measure rests
-If the last cue note has an open tie, the tie is not removed any more
-Independent alerts for new update availability for the MacOS and the Windows version.
-Improved collision detection on slurs with line breaks that end far above or below the staff if the slur "Lift" setting is activated.
-Improved note spacing on multi-layer collisions with accidentals
-Improved note spacing on multi-layer collisions with second intervals
-Improved metrics of note flags
-Slightly improved overall processing speed on large scores
-Improved collision detection with chords
-Improved collision removal on staccato and staccatissimo articulations with tuplet brackets
-Improved vertical spacing on systems with very short hairpins
-Improved vertical spacing on empty staves with measure numbers
-Improved vertical spacing in some cases if the Scale System" value is above 100%.
-Improved collision detection on slurs with very short hairpins on the same system
-Improved collision detection in one case of rehearsal mark at system start on top of measure numbers
-If a measure startet with 1-line notation and ended with 5-line notation (and vice versa), it was possible that dynamics were not correctly aligned vertically in some cases.
-Less class constructions and thus better memory performance on batch processing
-Chords are now only set to "Left Alignment" if the full document is selected (not on partial selections anymore)
-Improved vertical lyrics spacing when there are (at least) three different types of lyrics on one staff system and some measures consists of one lyrics type and the other measures consist of (at least) two other lyrics types.
-Improved vertical spacing for staves with individual line spacing different from the 24 EVPU default.
-Support for the measure setting: Time Signature Always Hide
-Improved "wrong expression category" detection on reh./tempo marks and alterations if these expressions occur on multiple staves and not only the top staff
-Improved placement of measure numbers with enclosures at system start
-No more vertical (re-)placement of repeat texts if there are multiple repeat elements in the same measure
-Improved connection of hairpins that end in the previous measure with dynamics on beat 1
-Two branches of Perfect Layout do now exist for Windows users: v1.x and v2.x. All Mac beta users have been transfered to v2.x.
-No more horizontal reset of left-/right-aligned coda symbols if they have a huge offset
-Improved detection of rehearsal mark collision with curved group brackets if there are multiple brackets that start on that staff
-The "brackets of tuplets with extreme high/low notes are not put on note side if the start tuplet note has a slur" check is now also performed on the other notes of the tuplet.
-No more duplicate warnings on repeat texts set to right/left alignment, but placed at the opposite barline.
-Improved detection of page texts as movement titles
-The vertical distance between Rehearsal Marks and measure numbers is now also controlled via Express.->Min.Vertical Distances Between Rehearsal/Tempo Marks and ... -> Other Symbols
-The default values of multi-measure rests are not copied over manually adjusted multi-measure rests in parts anymore if "MMRests->Create MM Rests in Parts" is deactivated.
-Improved vertical alignment if there are multiple reh./tempo mark expressions on top of each other and more reh./tempo mark expressions on that system that need to be aligned and the multiple expression block has a huge distance to the top of the system.
-If only a few measures were selected, then in some case lyrics baseline optimization was not performed if a staff system only included word extensions, but no lyrics.
-Custom smart lines that end at the at end of measure and collide with their right text with a system barline are slightly shortened, so that they end right before the barline.
-Notes with a beat position behind the next barline are not taken into account anymore for automatic clearing of the manual note position.
-Custom smart lines that are set to "Make Horizontal", but also to "Maintain Angle" and have different start and endpoint vertical offsets are now made horizontal over the system break.
-Installer includes updated PDF manual
-Improved vertical spacing in some cases of cross staff tuplets starting or ending with rests
-Improved vertical spacing on cross-staff glissandi with cross-staff notes
-Very, very low rests on two-staff groups (piano notation) that are visible on the bottom staff, but are placed in the top staff without being cross staff are not taken into account for vertical staff spacing anymore
-Installer includes updated PDF manual
-Minor horizontal collisions of articulations with tuplet numbers will now be solved with a little shift left/right of the tuplet number instead of adding a bracket and moving the tuplet awway from the articulation.
-Improved placement of rehearsal/tempo marks in some cases of two collisions (one at the end of the previous measure, one at the start of the next measure).
-Improved placement rehearsal/tempo marks if slurs were in previous measures
-Improved placement rehearsal/tempo marks over cancel key signatures
-Installer includes updated PDF manual
-Improved guessing of metrics on symbols of non-installed fonts.
-Improved vertical centering of hairpins in piano notation
-Improved collision removal of arpeggio articulations with other articulations
-Glissandi lines that are misused as trills are now better detected.
-Better rounding in the user dialog if switching the measurement units back and forth to EVPUs (MacOS and Windows use different rounding functions in Finale)
-Gaps between two connected hairpins are added even if an expressive text expression connects the two hairpins
-Better detection of non-Finale text font styles (i.e. semibold, condensed, etc.)
-Improved reading of .ttc font collections
-Improved expression conversion from old documents ("Top Note" aligned dynamic expressions are not moved below the staff anymore)
-A piano group consisting of four staves is also allowed for detecting a "part" instead of a "score"
-Improved chord spacing in two staff groups (piano notation)
-Improved tie and slur metrics on jazz fonts
-Rehearsal/tempo mark expressions marked with EXCLUDE are not taken into account for aligning rehearsal/tempo mark expressions any more
-Similar to the "EXCLUDE" feature for excluding expressions in the vertical staff spacing and vertical alignment, you can now add "FORCEINCLUDE" to the description text of an expression and it will be included even if it is huge and far above/below a staff. By default these expressions are not taken into account for vertical alignment and/or spacing.
More info:
-Less warning messages on missing recommend fonts
-Single note measures get an adaptive music spacing below the minimum measure width.
-Improved placement of dynamics before notes on very low tied notes
-Improved placement of reh./tempo marks on multi-measure rest measures: if there is only a small overlap with the multi-measure rest number, then the expression will be shifted slightly to the left
-Old Finale documents can have invalid font tags (e.g. nfx(9999), size(0)). These are handled better now.
-Better detection of duplicate shape definitions
-Better detection of tempo expressions with unknown text symbols
-Measure counting over double barlines with the option "Restart Repeat Bar Measure Counting On Double Barlines" activated now yields the correct partial counting until the first double barline in the very first measure (and not the full measure range)
-Measure counting over double barlines with the option "Restart Repeat Bar Measure Counting On Double Barlines" activated now counts until the last repeat bar if only 2 or 3 repeat bars follow the last double barline.
-"Right Barline" aligned expressions which are usually assigned to measure position 0 are internally reassigned to measure position "end of last beat".
-Improved collision detection on reh./tempo mark collisions with right barline aligned expressions from the previous measure
-Improved vertical placement of reh./tempo marks if they collide with non-reh./tempo mark expressions in the after next measure
-Slurs that are horizontally moved far away from the original point (>250 EVPUs) are not reset anymore when Remove Manual Slur Adjustments is activated
-Rehearsal/tempo mark collisions with other expressions are now better detected (if they were not colliding, but only had a very small distance)
-Improved metrics on f dynamics with jazz style fonts
-Improved rest optimization
-Staff positions are calculated faster
-Tempo expressions are detected faster
-Tempo/rehearsal marks slighty next to beat 1 (<96 EDUs) are moved onto beat 1 unless the work includes very short notes. This often occured in older Finale files from the 90s.
-Added more music fonts to the list of known music and symbol fonts
-Added more text fonts to the list of known text fonts
-More consistent capitalization of words in the user dialog
-Corrected typos in dialog
-Solid/dashed lines are not detected as note glissandi if placed outside the system
-Improved detection of outliers if rehearsal/tempo marks are to be aligned vertically
-Improved collision removal on tempo/rehearsal marks over tied notes
-Improved collision removal on tempo/rehearsal marks over whole notes with accidentals
-Improved collision distances on backward tied notes at the beginning of a system
-Improved categorization of text expressions with mixed music symbol and text fonts
-Improved vertical distance of multiple rehearsal mark/tempo expressions
-Warning message on old Finale documents to activate "Document Options->Accidentals->Use cross-layer accidental positioning". Otherwise accidentals may overlap after the plug-in.
-Improved vertical system/staff balancing on scores where the system top margins alter and don't match the global page format system top margin settings at all.
-Tuplet brackets over extreme high/low notes are note added anymore if these note
-Added more text and music fonts to the list of known fonts
-Pedal expressions are taken into account for collision removal if they collide, but they are not moved closer to the lowest entry if they are far away (in order to not loose connection with another pedal marking)
-Improved placement of a "sempre" expression in connection with dynamics
-Better real whole rest removal in MusicXML imported documents on measures that includes tempo or rehearsal marks
-Improved collision detection of tuplet numbers on multi-voice/multi-layer scenarios, if the tuplet numbers have a global offset.
-Faster calculation of clef change detection
-The download webpage now ignores blank spaces at the end of the form entries.
-Added more warning messages in the log file for invalid smartshapes
-Faulty multi-measure rests that cover notes in parts are removed
-Correct vertical of three articulations on a note if one articulation is a laissez vibrer or arpeggio symbol.
-Improved warning message on invalid slurs (not "Measure 0" anymore)
-Horizontally flat glissando/shake/trill lines are now also aligned vertically if they start on a note with an invalid articulation flag
-Horizontally flat glissando/shake/trill lines are now also aligned vertically if they start on a note with a "standard" accent articulation that usually is placed directly on top of the note (staccato dot, marcato, tenuto, etc.)
-Improved rests minimization when rests are connected to expressions
-Custom smart lines that span multiple systems are not adjusted in non-selected measures if only some (other) measures of the smart line are selected before running the plug-in.
-Centered measure numbers below mm rests are now hidden, if the document also displays measure ranges below mm rests.
-Improved rest optimization measures using hidden composite time signatures: 2+2+2+2/8 or 1+1+1+1/4 becomes 4/4; 2+2/8 or 1+1/4 becomes 2/4; and 2+2+2/8 or 1+1+1/4 becomes 3/4.
-Improved vertical placement of smart shapes over cross staff notes.
-Improved rest handling in 6/16, 12/16 and 3/8 measures.
-Improved vertical system balancing on scores with system scaling below 100%.
-In some cases improved vertical/horizontal alignment of several tempo/rehearsal marks at the same measure position
-Improved vertical system/staff spacing for some cases that include both mixed staff resizing and system resizing.
-Improved vertical placement of custom smart shapes and ottava/trill lines on some collisions both with slur and ties.
-Two new example files are included as download links in the Docs and Test Files folder.
-Improved placement of very low dynamics on multi-slur scenarios
-More music and text fonts are now known to the plug-in
-Glissando lines are now included in vertical system/staff spacing.
-Improved slur collision removal at the beginning of a system
-Improved vertical spacing on slurs across staves that were not detected as grouped staves
-Improved detection of piano groups, even if the group name and staff names are inconsistent and no playback instrument is used
-Faster calculation of clef changes on multi-measure rests
-Improved clef/note collision removal on scores/parts that require re-spacing
-Clef changes in the middle of a multi-measure rest (and not only at the ending) are now taken into account for collsions of clefs with multi-measure rest symbols
-Improved measure number detection in (jazz) scores that only have a clef in the first measure of the very first system
-Glissando lines are now taken into account for vertical placement of tempo/rehearsal marks.
-Improved collision detection of tempo/rehearsal mark expressions and slurs above the staff
-Improved collision detection of tempo/rehearsal mark expressions when the last measure ends with a trill or custom shape above the staff
-Improved precision on lyrics with slur/tie collisions
-"Remove manual slur adjustments" is not performed anymore on slurs that were (probably accidentally) assigned over two staves, but which appear to be connected only to one staff
-Improved placement of custom smart line symbols over slurs
-The SMuFl U-e541 symbol is now recognized for niente hairpins
-Improved detection of bold, italic and bold italic fonts with international (translated) names
-Beamed notes 32th notes (and smaller) are not split with secondary beam breaks if the first note has a beam modification
-Improved rest splitting in compound meters (e.g. in 6/8 a quarter rest is split into two 8th rests if it starts after the beat)
-Added more fonts to the list of known music fonts
-Better hairpin connection on stem down notes in multi-layer scenarios where a hairpin starts and ends on that note
-Better vertical dynamics positioning on piano group staves if a dynamic is assigned to the empty top staff while the bottom staff has a note with an articulation.
-Improved placement of rectangle-enclosed rehearsal mark expression with enclosure options set to none.
-Improved vertical placement of dynamics on low voice2 notes that don't have a voice1 note at the same beat
-Improved horizontal placement of dynamics and expressive text at the end of a measure if the expression text ends far beyond the next barline
-Much faster processing speed for system distance optimization in scenarios with lots of space between the staves
-Less tuplet brackets are added on cross staff scenarios.
-Improved handling of UTF8 characters in some disk read/write scenarios
-dynamics on a cross staff notation that are assigned to a whole rest (i.e. with a negative horizontal offset) are re-assigned to another layer to keep on position 0
-Improved processing speed in the "General Preparations" functions
-Reduction of unnecessary layers now also works on laisser vibrer notes that are followed or preceded by an empty measure.
-Improved "Two-Staff-Group" detection. On strings groups violin groups that use a piano-like sample name are not separated any more from other string instruments in the vertical staff spacing.
-Improved chord collision detection
-Left-justified coda symbols that were aligned close to the right barline are now also kept at the right barline if they are slightly further away from the barline, but still far away from the left barline (and vice versa).
-Much faster clef change calculation
-Improved vertical staff/system spreading when "Max. Distance Between Staves" is set to less than 470 EVPU.
-Improved a few text layout problems in the user dialogs
-Improved metrics in key signatures on instruments that use "Simplify key" transposition settings
-Improved vertical staff distance on curved group brackets if a staff is part of several groups with different brackets
- "New Update Available" message now includes the version number of the new update.
-Tremolo articulations on whole notes were sometimes not vertically aligned correctly
-In rare cases measure numbers under every xth measure were reset even if "Reset->Clear Individual Measure Number Positions" was deactivated. It's highly recommended though to always have this option activated as Finale's measure number regions sometimes have invalid IDs or inconsistencies and this can only be fixed automatically by the plug-in if the "Clear..." option is activated.
-Some preview images only opened on Windows. JW Lua seems to have a different URL calling on Windows and macOS. Fixed now.
-Polish version showed an error message
-In very rare cases an error message could occur on hidden resized staves. Fixed now.
-In extremely rare cases an error message could occur in MusicXML imported documents on two hairpins with contrary directions that are separated through a barline. Fixed now.
-Japanese version only: The language selection dialog before the main user dialog now works correctly.
-Niente expressions after hairpins above lycrics staves were not correctly attached to the hairpin end. Fixed now.
-If an expressive text was accientallly placed above the staff (instead of below) and the same measure position had a niente expression and a hairpin start below the staff, then the niente expression wasn't vertically connected correctly to the hairpin. Fixed now.
-In rare cases (in huge documents) an empty line with only a number appeared somewhere in the middle of the log file. Fixed now.
-The Reset->Move Note/Stem Side Articulations to Opposite Side on Multi-Layer Entries option wasn't saved correctly to the settings file.
-Corrected detection of key signature changes on staves with independent key signatures.
-Corrected detection of time signature changes on staves with independent time signatures.
-Rehearsal letter expressions which don't have "Use category positioning" activated and have EXCLUDE added to their description are not set to "Use category positioning" anymore if "Harmonize Offsets and Placement of Rehearsal and Tempo Marks" is activated.
-If a MusicXML imported document contained two text expressions with identical text, but different default placements, an error message could occur in rare cases.
-In rare cases tempo/rehearsal marks placed before a staff were moved even if they had the EXCLUDE mark.
-In some cases dynamics on low notes with articulations above the staff on slash staff style measures were unnecessarily moved before the note.
-If "Harmonize Offsets and Alignment of Rehearsal and Tempo Marks" was activated, in some cases EXCLUDE marks were also affected. Fixed now.
-In rare cases an error message could occur on articulations on cross staff notes that appeared on the top staff in piano notation, but that were attached to the bottom staff.
-The independent time signature detection didn't work in some cases, so the warning message didn't pop up. Fixed now.
-Corrected calculation of clef symbols with "Transpose Keys" in scores that are set to display in concert pitch.
-In some cases on percussion staves with multi-layer scenarios combined rests were moved down from center 2 or 3 steps.
-In very rare cases an error message could occur in the measure number vertical offset calculation. Fixed now.
-When using Finale's pick-up measure value it was altered in rare cases, if the pick-up consisted of triplets only. This lead to slightly too wide pick-up measures.
-When slash measure counting was activated, Perfect Layout also displayed a counting number on the last measure of the group, even if the slashes were only on the first half of the last measure. Fixed now.
-An error message could appear in linked parts with "Specify Voicing" and "Seleted Notes" when the notes had prolonged stems. Fixed now.
-In some case mid-clef changes lead to extra space added at the end of the previous measure. Fixed now.
-If reflow measures was activated in a rare case the last page(s) of the score could have the wrong page size.
-In rare cases (time signature change followed by an empty measure with a hidden rest and a dynamic on that hidden rest and a preceding hairpin) the dynamic expression was correctly aligned horizontally. Fixed now.
-If the only visible staff on a system changes from 5- to 1-line through measure reflow and system restructuring, the measure range under a multi-measure rest might have received the wrong vertical offset. Fixed now.
-Automatic "Double Barline Preceding Key Signature" feature now works correctly if only new transposing instruments lead to a changed key signature change
-In rare cases the key change detection didn't work in large orchestra scores. Fixed now.
-In some cases systems of 3-staff groups (e.g. organ notation) were not aligned at the bottom page margin.
-In very rare cases wrong accidentals were detected on instrument staff styles with transpositions because of a rounding error which might be Finale or JW Lua related.
-A deactivation problem could occur on two activation licenses.
-In some cases above staff dynamics on lyrics staves were moved below the staff
-In some cases improved metrics calculation if instrument changes occur that use different key signatures
-In some cases measure numbers were hidden when measure number ranges on multi-measure rests were added.
-'Open ties' (l.v.) were falsely detected if the last tied note of a measure was followed by a hidden note.
-The newsletter subscribe function in the Windows installer now works again.
-In some cases the barline width was not calculated correctly (about 2 EVPU difference). This could effect the horizontal distance of dynamics from the barline.
-No more measure counting expressions "(1)" on one-bar repeats with chord changes on every bar
-If page texts were used as movement names, but assigned to a page (and not a measure) and the placement was visible above different measures in score and parts, then in rare cases an error could occur. Fixed now.
-If the plug-in was performed on a selection of measures only, in some cases the lyrics optimization was partially performed on the previous staff system.
-In rare cases custom smart lines on hidden measures could lead to an error message.
-Windows: in rare cases (sometimes in batch processing or when working with multiple Finale versions at the same time) the progress bar file didn't close properly.
-Windows: the Windows progress bar now display UTF8 encoded staff names correctly.
-If a staff was completely hidden (collapsed) both in the score and in the parts (and the part was thus completely empty without any staff system), this could lead to too big vertical distances between other staves in the score. Fixed now.
-If a modified notehead used a missing font, then in some cases JW Lua would return wrong note metrics. Fixed now.
-Measure counting expressions were sometimes added twice if the plug-in was applied multiple times. This bug has been introduced some versions ago. Fixed now.
-In rare cases of two nearly congruent groups (a 2-staff group with brackets + a 3 staff-group without brackets) additional group brackets were added. Fixed now.
-In rare cases an error message could occur on right barline aligned custom smart lines on hidden measures. Fixed now.
-In rare cases an error message could occur if the plug-in was first applied to the score, then a second time to a part which has a very dense vertical spacing.
-Windows 7 (only): If the PowerShell default security protocol was set to Tls10 instead of the modern Tls12, the plug-in and/or the installer could have problems connecting to the internet for the registration. Fixed now. Make sure to have the Microsoft update KB3191566 "Windows Management Framework 5.1" installed as described in the FAQ: https://elbsound.studio/perfect-layout/faq.php#go-to-installation25
-In some cases dynamics moved before very low notes could collide with accidentals on upper notes. Fixed now.
-Lyrics baselines were sometimes not correct if the system started with a slur from the previous system.
-"Under" slurs on slurs with system breaks were sometimes not detected correctly after the system break which could lead for example to wrong lyrics baselines.
-Tuplet numbers are now taken into account for custom line collisions above the staff
-Custom smart line texts with fixed sizes are now detected correctly
-Custom smart lines that are nearly congruent (everything identical except a tiny horizontal or vertical differences of less than 20 EVPU) are not removed as duplicates anymore to allow for example parallel lines close together.
-If "Display in Concert Pitch" and "Keep Octave Transposition in Concert Pitch was activated, then vertical collisions with notehead-attached smart lines were sometime not detected correctly.
-Hairpins below grace notes only could lead to wrong spacing.
-If the document use straight flags, then no error message is shown if the non-straight flag symbol is not set
-The download link for the PDF manual was broken for some time. Fixed now.
-In rare cases of a certain type of invalid font files and error could occur. Fixed now.
-In some cases PL would unnecessarily change the rests in tuplets.
-The download button on the update download web page was not enabled in some cases. Fixed now.
-When the non-Maestro compatible key signature font is not installed on the computer, the plug-in will now cancel and not crash anymore with an error message.
-In very rare cases an error message could occur on dynamic expressions below notes colliding with accidentals.
-Dynamics attached to rests before notes with lyrics are not moved to the notes with lyrics, but remain on the rests
-In some cases first page text elements above the top staff were moved onto the staff. Fixed now.
-In some cases underline or strikeout fonts could lead to an error message. Fixed now.
-Rehearsal marks break multi-measure rests even if the "Hide Tempo Alterations If No Notes Follow" option is activated
-Lyrics part staff groups with two staves only and piano playback are not detected as "piano notation" any more
-The "Hide shape list" is partially generated automatically (e.g. detection of bow shapes). From this version on it is only automatically stored in the .ini settings if the shapes are changed manually. Otherwise automatically detected articulation shapes which are not present in the next score might lead to unexpected articulation placement.
-If notes from layers above layer 1 (=x) are moved to layer 1, then expressions explicitely assigned to layer x are now re-assigned to layer 1
-Enclosed technique expressions get the correct vertical distance to the nearest element (was 3 EVPU too close)
-In documents where no music spacing has been applied to the parts, in some cases note positions were reset to 0 even if music spacing in the document options was set to "incorporate Manual Positioning". Fixed now.
-In some cases (e.g. MusicXML imported documents) pedal and fermata expressions were not taken into account in collision removal
-Collisions of custom smart lines over tied whole notes were sometimes noted detected. Fixed now.
-If notes at the end of a measure are tied to a target measure (which is not the next measure) and an ending repeat bracket starts in the next measure, then in some cases the ties were removed as "invalid laissez vibrer ties". Fixed now.
-In rare cases a slur that started and ended on cross staff notes, could lead to an error message. Fixed now.
-Niente expressions on a hidden staff could lead to an error message. Fixed now.
-Measure numbers at the beginning of a staff system don't change the font any more (this only occured in rare cases)
-"Use Specific Voicing With Selected Notes" wasn't load from the factory settings
-In very rare cases an invalid composite time signature could lead to an error message. Fixed now.
-Dashed slurs will not be replaced with ties anymore if they connect the same note pitch.
-The slur contour values on the "Do First" tab are now shown in the selected unit (not always EVPUs as before)
-Niente circles above the staff are not shifted horizontally or below the staff anymore if there is a multi-layer scenario with both hairpin below and above the staff.
-In rare cases measure numbers at the bottom of a system were not taken into account for vertical system balancing. Fixed now.
-Correct vertical lyrics distance if three or more verses are used on top of each other.
-Empty tab staves next to occupied tab staves are now used correctly in vertical system spacing (this already worked fine until v1.7104).
-Above staff lyrics don't influence the below staff lyrics placement anymore
-If lyrics were used both above and below a staff, then the vertical system/staff balancing was not correct. Fixed now.
-Lyrics placement was not correct if a lyrics note included two slurs: above and below.
-Improved detection of a few collision cases if a note includes both an over and an under slur.
-In rare cases multiple chord collisions on a slash style measure (without notes) with many other chord collisions on the same system staff could lead to even worse chord collisions. Fixed now.
-Sometimes end measure clef collisions with notes in linked parts were not detected correctly. Fixed now.
-Rest optimization of resized rests (less than 100%) could lead to new non-resized rests. Fixed now.
-"Glasses" symbols as articulations are not removed anymore if assigned to rests
-Correct detection of dynamics with hairpin and "poco" text below (compared to poco dynamics followed by hairpin).
-Inclusion of Finale Mallets, Finale Percussion, Finale Alpha Notes and FinalFiguredBass in MacSymbolFonts.txt (if missing)
-If all user dialogs were deactivated (Gold version) and only one or two staves were selected, an error message would appear sometimes. Fixed now.
-Corrected font metrics creation for GoldenAgeText font which internally uses the name GoldenAge. But it's highly recommended not to use the font name GoldenAge as it is ambiguous: the font GoldenAgeTitle has the same family font name GoldenAge, so it's not sure if the correct font metrics file is read.
-No crash anymore when text expressions have combinations of Japanese and European fonts with the forbidden U-3000 unicode symbol (this seems to be a JW Lua bug).
In chronological order you can view with the changes