Buy "Perfect Layout v2.61" for Finale®
(for Finale 2014-27,

Click here for a comparison of the Silver, Silver400 and Gold edition

Click here to read some user feedback

Purchase Perfect Layout v2.61 now and update to v3.0 for free
(This offer is only valid for purchases of the full version of Perfect Layout, not for updates or upgrades.)

All licenses are valid for an activation on Windows or on MacOS.

Dependent on your license (one activation or two activations) you can either activate it only on one computer or on two computers.
You can deactivate/uninstall the plug-in on a computer at any time and install it on another computer if required.


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Usage Al­lowed*
DemoSend us your Finale file. We will process it with Perfect Layout and return the result to to 300 measures
(max. 2 files, during peak times it may take up to 10 days until you receive the results)
* We might add a downloadable demo version in the future. But at the moment there is only the "Send in your files"-option.

Standard Editions

To read the full table, please turn your
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Usage Al­lowed*
  Licenses &     Activations   Target GroupPrice
(1 computer)
All default features from the Gold edition, but fewer options to select from
Recommended for users with standard scores!
limited to max. 36 (visible) staves with max. 400 measures each
(=14.400 frames in total)
1 License,
1 Activation
Standard/ Power Users139,00 EUR
116,81 EUR net plus 22,19 EUR (19,00%) tax
(2 computers)
All default features from the Gold edition, but fewer options to select fromlimited to max. 36 (visible) staves with max. 400 measures each
(=14.400 frames in total)
1 License,
2 Activations*
Standard/ Power Users159,00 EUR
133,61 EUR net plus 25,39 EUR (19,00%) tax
(1 computer)
All default features from the Gold edition, but fewer options to select from
Recommended for users with huge scores!
(=unlimited measures and staves)
1 License,
1 Activation
Standard/ Power Users199,00 EUR
167,23 EUR net plus 31,77 EUR (19,00%) tax
(2 computers)
All default features from the Gold edition, but fewer options to select fromnone
(=unlimited measures and staves)
1 License,
2 Activations*
Standard/ Power Users249,00 EUR
209,24 EUR net plus 39,76 EUR (19,00%) tax

Publishing House Editions

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Usage Al­lowed*
  Licenses &     Activations   Target GroupPrice
GoldAll featuresnone
1 License,
1 Activation
Publishing Houses339,00 EUR
284,87 EUR net plus 54,13 EUR (19,00%) tax
GoldAll featuresnone
1 License,
2 Activations*
Publishing Houses419,00 EUR
352,10 EUR net plus 66,90 EUR (19,00%) tax
*The "Publishing House Editon" can also be bought by individuals, but usually the Silver edition is sufficient. The Gold edition makes sense if you have your own house style and need to control every parameter: the Silver edition has ca. 120 options, the Gold edition ca. 220.

Discount Editions*

To read the full table, please turn your
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Usage Al­lowed*
  Licenses &     Activations   Target GroupPrice
See SilverFor students with only
1Music studentsTemporarily Not Available
See GoldFor students with student/academic license of Finale® only
1Music studentsTemporarily Not Available
Silver University/
See SilverFor staff at higher education institutions and churches only
1Staff at higher education institutions and churchesTemporarily Not Available
Silver University/
See SilverFor staff at higher education institutions and churches only
1 License,
2 Activations*
Staff at higher education institutions and churchesTemporarily Not Available
Gold University/
See GoldFor staff at higher education institutions and churches only
1Staff at higher education institutions and churchesTemporarily Not Available
Gold University/
See GoldFor staff at higher education institutions and churches only
1 License,
2 Activations*
Staff at higher education institutions and churchesTemporarily Not Available
* Please note that the license key for discount editions will be sent out after we have received your email with the proof of your discount eligibility (more see below).

Updates to Perfect Layout Version 2 (from v1.x)

What's new in version 2.0? Read here about more than 360 improvements.
If you bought the full version of Perfect Layout v1.x after the 27th of March 2020, you are eligible for a free v2.61 update directly through our download page. If you only bought an upgrade of v1.x, a free update to v2.x is not included.
There are no university or theological discounts for updates.
To read the full table, please turn your
mobile device by 90 degrees or
make your browser window wider.
Update 1Silver400 v1.x -> v2.xTemporarily Not Available
Update 2Silver v1.x -> v2.xTemporarily Not Available
Update 3Gold v1.x -> v2.xTemporarily Not Available
Update 4Silver (Student) v1.x -> v2.xTemporarily Not Available
Update 5Gold (Student) v1.x -> v2.xTemporarily Not Available
If you bought the full version of Perfect Layout v1.x after the 27th of March 2020, you are eligible for a free v2.6 update directly through our download page. If you only bought an upgrade of v1.x, a free update to v2.x is not included.


(Upgrades don't change the version number! To update from v1.x to the latest major version (v2.x) checkout the Update section)
To read the full table, please turn your
mobile device by 90 degrees or
make your browser window wider.
Usage Al­lowed*
  Licenses &     Activations   Price
Upgrade 1Silver 400 (1 Activation)->
Silver 400 (2 Activations)
See Silver400
(Two activations)
Temporarily Not Available
Upgrade 2Silver400 (1 Act.)->Silver (1 Act.)See Silver
(One activation as in original license)
Temporarily Not Available
Upgrade 3Silver400 (2 Act.)->Silver (2 Act.)See Silver
(Two activations as in original license)
Temporarily Not Available
Upgrade 4Silver400->Goldnone
(one activation only:
if the Silver400 version had two activations, they both become invalid and you can only use one activation on Gold)
Temporarily Not Available
Upgrade 5Silver 400 (2 Act.)->
Gold (2 Act.)
(Two activations as in original license)
Temporarily Not Available
Upgrade 6Silver Student->
Gold Student
For students with student/academic license of Finale® only
(as in original license)
Temporarily Not Available
Upgrade 7Silver Student->
See Silver
(as in original license)
Temporarily Not Available
Upgrade 8Silver (1 Activation)->
Silver (2 Activations)
See Silver
(Two activations)
Temporarily Not Available
Upgrade 9Silver Univ./Theological->
Gold Univ./Theological
1 activation
(as in original license)
Temporarily Not Available
Upgrade 10Silver Univ./Theological->
Gold Univ./Theological
2 activations
(as in original license)
Temporarily Not Available
Upgrade 11Silver->Goldnone
(one activation only:
if the Silver version had two activations, they both become invalid and you can only use one activation on Gold
Temporarily Not Available
Upgrade 12Silver (2 Act.)->
Gold (2 Activations)
(Two activations
as in original license)
Temporarily Not Available
Upgrade 13Gold Student->
(as in original license)
Temporarily Not Available
Upgrade 14Gold (1 Activation)->
Gold (2 Activations)
(Two activations)
Temporarily Not Available
* Please note that the license key for upgrades will be sent out via email after we have checked your eligibility, i.e. whether you had purchased the corresponding Perfect Layout version before and deactivated the old version. After that we will remove your old license key from the database and send you the new license key.

Multi-User- / Site Licenses

To read the full table, please turn your
mobile device by 90 degrees or
make your browser window wider.
Usage Al­lowed*
  Licenses &     Activations   Target GroupPrice/Purchase
Silver AcademicSee SilverSee Silver, for student/academic licenses of Finale® only
2 or moreEducation InstitutionsPlease contact us for an individual offer dependent on the required licenses!
Gold AcademicAll featuresSee Gold, for student/academic licenses of Finale® only
2 or moreEducation InstitutionsPlease contact us for an individual offer dependent on the required licenses!
Gold CompanyAll featuresnone
2 or moreMusic CompaniesPlease contact us for an individual offer dependent on the required licenses!

*License Notes:

This special double license is meant for users who have two computers: for example a desktop PC and laptop, or a Mac and a PC.
The 2-License option allows installation and usage on two Windows PCs and, (when released for MacOS) alternatively on two MacOS computers, or one Windows and one MacOS computer).
The activation of the plug-in requires that both computers are in the same network during the installation of the plug-in. After installation you can use them in any network (or even without network connection).
But it's not possible to activate this license twice on different locations! In this case you need to purchase two individual license keys from a "1-License edition".

May I run the plug-in on multiple Finale versions (on one computer) with one activation?
Yes. The automatic installer installs the plug-in for ALL Finale versions that are registered on a computer - also for other Windows users on that computer. So if you have for example Finale 2014, 2014.5, v25, v26 and v27 installed for two users, then ten instances of the plug-in will be installed in the configuration and plug-in folders of each Finale version. You can run all of these plug-ins at the same time with just one activation (though this may require a very fast computer with lots of cores and memory).

Multiple activations and/or licenses are only required for running the plug-in on multiple computers at the same time. You can, of course, install and uninstall the plug-in as often as you want. So if you only acquired one activation but have two computers, it's still possible (but tedious through lots of installations and deinstallations) to work with the plug-in on two computers.

Please read the FAQ for more info on how to activate the plug-in on multiple computers.

Commercial Usage Allowed

Commercial usage is allowed for all editions, except for student discount editions of Perfect Layout and for files created with the demo.
This means: in case of scores or parts processed with the student edition it is only allowed to distribute scores/parts created with Perfect Layout for free.
But it is not allowed to sell these scores, rent out, get royalties, etc.. Doing so is an infringement of the end user license agreement (EULA).
To make scores created with the student edition available for sale, you need to buy a "Student to Standard Version" update.

Eligibility for Discounts

To become eligible for a discount, please contact us.
Please include a clear scan, PDF, or photo of your documents:
  • Name and address of education/theological institution
  • Proof of enrollment including dates
  • Valid current full time status for students
  • Valid credentials for instructors/theological staff

  • W-8BEN-E For Customers from the US

    Our online shop is operated by the German company Digital River GmbH.
    If you need their W-8BEN-E form, you can download it here.

    System Requirements

  • Perfect Layout v3: Finale® 2014, 2014.5, v25, v26, v27 for 64bit Windows 10, 11 or macOS 10.13+ - 14.x (tested until 14.6).
    Note 1: PL v3 will probably also work in Windows 7 and 8 when all the latest Windows updates are installed, but doesn't support that and hasn't tested it.
    Note 2: According to some users PL v2 also works in 10.11/10.12, but doesn't support that either.
  • Perfect Layout v2: Finale® 2014, 2014.5, v25, v26, v27 for 64bit Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 or macOS (tested in 10.13 - 12.6, according to some users also working in 10.11/10.12)
  • Minimum 4 GB RAM, for huge orchestra scores exceeding about 20.000 frame assignments 8-12 GB RAM and Finale® v25, v26 or v27 are required, otherwise the plug-in may run out of memory.
  • Windows: 250 MB, macOS: 400 MB of free hard drive space (after installation 250 MB), plus space for the font annotation files dependent on the number of fonts that are installed
  • For the installation/(de-)activation you need a user with administration rights
  • Internet connection during the installation and update process, and an email address to receive the activation code or an installed email program to request the activation code.
  • macOS (PL v2.x+) and Windows (PL v3.x+): an internet connection is required during the processing of the plug-in for checking the activation
  • macOS only: You need to grant access to Finale to use the Terminal app, Image Events and System Events for activating/checking the license, downloading updates, displaying the plug-in's progress bar (optional) and finding out the number of screens for correct coordinates.
  • macOS only: The macOS standard tool "sudo" is used for some system calls. You may need to disable sudo plug-ins, if they cause problems with Perfect Layout's sudo calls.
  • Windows only: Powershell, WMIC, cmd and curl must be installed (it is installed by default on Windows unless the user has removed it manually)
  • macOS only: The macOS Bash system must be available together with the tools curl, defaults, sudo, echo and osascript. They are available in macOS by default.
  • The faster the processor speed, the faster the plug-in (see this comparison). The plug-in is single-threaded, so multiple cores do not speed up the processing.
  • Data Privacy: For the activation and license validation of the software some data will be stored on our servers. For more info read Data Privacy at and the EULA